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History of the Club
Many people often ask questions of where and how our club started. Questions including who were the ones that came up with the idea, and what stories exist that can be shared for everyone to enjoy. Well, from the memories of some people recently consulted, who can still vaguely but fondly remember, we will producing simple snippets of the club’s history in future newsletters and on our web site. While it is true to say there was an Altavilla Club established in approximately 1957, it is believed to have ceased within a short period of time.
​It pretty much started with a group of Altavillesi youth meeting regularly and kicking a soccer ball around on a local oval. Eventually, the group became bigger, and included friends beyond the usual Altavillesi people. They often spoke of an idea to form a soccer club, and searched for ways in which to go about doing this. Within a short period, Mr Pasquale Rossi, who was involved with the amateur soccer league volunteered to assist the group in pursuing its objective. The very first formal meeting was soon arranged in approximately May 1974, and was held in the Tram Way Hall at Hackney. The group quickly elected its first president in Mr Pasquale Rossi, who proceeded in organising the club to be incorporated. The club’s first constitution was then developed.

The group of young soccer players formed a team which was involved in various competitive games through factories and industries. These included GMH, MTT, Telecom and Glenside Hospital. In 1975, the team joined the amateur soccer league under the name of ‘Metropolitan’. Some four years later, both soccer and social sections of the club decided to go their own separate ways. This was largely believed to be due to the ‘young’ and the ‘old’ feeling that each had better ways of doing things. One could say, that it was no different to today’s outlook between some of our youth and older generations
Over the next six or so years, and with considerable fresh ‘blood’, ‘eyes’ and ideas from members within the social club, it was strongly felt that youth from the soccer club was needed to be invited back and consider formally uniting again. The club’s committee also recognised that founding members of the Altavilla Club once also originated from the soccer club after all. From there, the rest is (as they say) history! In both the soccer club and the Altavilla social club became united, with each enjoying growing success for its members and friends through special evenings and events. But stay tuned, as we bring you more information about the history of our club!
Members and friends are asked to contact the President or Secretary, if they also have a story or photographs which they feel may contribute to the building of this important history.
Altavilla Irpina The Town and History
We begin the historic story of Altavilla Irpina past and present, its history, its migrants and its many rich and colourful stories. It was thought that the original inhabitants of the town where the Irpini. The Irpini divided themselves into various minor population groups, one of which were called the Caudini. They occupied not only the valley but the whole of the mountain chain from Mercogliano Monteforte to Forino. Even today there is a match between Mirabella and Frigento called Capo di Caudio. One of the earliest known names of the town was of Altacaudia derived from the Caudini occupation of the area.
The town’s location high up in altitude was selected as a convenient lookout post where openings from Benevento could be guarded closely in the event of any attacks. As time went on and with the eventual invasion and takeover of the town by the Longobardi, it was renamed Altacoda. It was aptly named so because the shapes of buildings on a crest named Ripe seemed a tale. This tale could be seen on the approach from Benevento at the joining of the two rivers Vellola and Sabato at Pont de Santi. In these early historic times Altacoda, Grottolella, Ceppaloni and Summonte were under the rule of Raone I of Fraineta. On his death, his heir was son Raone II. During his reign, the town of Altacoda and surrounding castles were completely destroyed by invasions of King Ruggiero II, who consequently took rule of the region.
Its name Altavilla, appropriately named ‘higher town’, because it is situated at 327 metres above sea level and rises splendidly on the three hills of Toro, Ripe and Foreste Villa. It is one of the most beautiful and enchanted scenic landscapes within the Irpina area. The climate is relatively mild in winter and fresh in the summer months. The temperature during the daytime is more or less quite stable but becoming more humid towards the evening. There are an abundance of natural springs, with drinkable pure and fresh water available at all times. There are also water springs rich in minerals particularly of the sulphurous kind used for therapeutic bathing. Altavilla will always be in the hearts of so many migrants, who will remain nostalgic, despite the difficult times that were had, and always remembering the pleasures and joyous moments from the homeland. The memory of the original town remains alive however for all migrants, and for their children now living abroad in this and many other countries so far away.
Migration Story
In Italy, dating back to the middle ages , Between 1901 and 1913 the poverty stricken areas notably Abruzzi – Molise. Calabria, Basilicata, Campagnia and Sicily provided most overseas recruits.
During these years, migrants travelled mainly to the USA and South America. In 1920 the USA introduced the quota system hence many migrants had to choose European countries, and it was during this period that Australia also became another destination for Italian Immigrants.
In the 1950s and sixties USA (quota limiting) Canada and Australia became the most important receiving countries.
During the first 30 years of the century, the exodus of the southern Italians was an exodus of men (four out of five), of the young and vigorous adult (seven out of eight were between the age of fourteen and 45).
We can now focus in on Campagnia, in which Altavilla Irpina is located. Here are some details of the first two immigrants who came to Australia from Altavilla Irpina.

The Committee
The Altavilla Irpina Community Club Inc. Committee plays an important role in guiding our community-focused Club towards sustainable, long-term success.
Our Committee manages many important tasks, including ensuring our facilities and services meet the needs of all our valued members and the broader community – both now and in the future.
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